
CliRental User Guide


Clirental is a CLI-based application that allows car rental companies to track their customers, cars, and rental transactions.

This application is useful to car rental companies that provide day-to-day rental service to their customers in helping them to manage their car fleet, customer information and rental transactions.

Summary of Contents:

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 17 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest version of CliRental from here.
  3. Copy the jar file into an empty folder.
  4. Open your terminal and navigate to the folder the jar file is placed in.
  5. Run java -jar CliRental.jar and you can start using right away.


File Saving

Customer, Transaction, and Car data will be saved in their respective files under the data directory.


If user do not follow instructions, following additional measures are placed.


Format :

Types :


Others :


Adding a User to the Database: add-user

Adds a customer to the list of customers tracked by the car rental application.

Format: add-user /u [CUSTOMER_NAME] /a [AGE] /c [CONTACT_NUMBER]

Example of usage: add-user /u John /a 18 /c 95382572

Sample Response:

add-user /u John /a 18 /c 95382572
Customer added
Customer name : John
Age : 18
Contact Number : 95382572

Removing a User from the Database: remove-user

Removes a customer from the customer list.

Format: remove-user /u [CUSTOMER_NAME]

Example of usage: remove-user /u John

Sample Response:

John has been removed from customer list

Removing all Users from the Database: remove-all-users

Removes all customers from the customer list.

Format: remove-all-users

Example of usage: remove-all-user

Sample Response:

All customers removed!!!

Listing All Users: list-users

Lists all customers in the customer list in this format for each customer:
Customer Name | Age | Contact Number

Format: list-users

Sample Output:

Here are all the customers: 
1) John | 18 | 95382572
2) Alice | 25 | 81234567

If the list is empty:

Customer list is empty.

Adding a Car: add-car

Adds a car to the car list.

Format: add-car /n [CAR_MODEL] /c [LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER] /p [PRICE]

Example: add-car /n Honda Civic /c SGE1234X /p 10000

Sample output:

Car added to list
Car details:
Honda Civic | SGE1234X | $10000.00 | Available | Affordable | Median price: 10000.0

Removing a Car: remove-car

Removes a car from the fleet based on the car’s unique ID.

Format: remove-car /i [LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER]

Example: remove-car /i SGE1234X

Sample output:

Car with license plate SGE1234X removed from list.

If the LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER is not found:

No car found with license plate [SGE1234X]

Removing all Cars: remove-all-cars

Removes all cars from the fleet.

Format: remove-all-cars

Sample output:

All cars removed!!!

Listing All Cars: list-cars

Lists all the cars owned by the company, sorted according to the price of renting the car for a day.
The format for each car in the list is:
Car Model | License PLate Number | Price of Rental (Per Day) | Availability (for Rental) | Price Category | Median Price of Cars in Fleet

Format: list-cars

Sample Output:

Here are the current cars in the company:
1) Honda Civic | SGE1234X | $1000.00 | Available | Affordable | Median price: 1000.0
2) Toyota Vios | SKP890C | $2000.00 | Available | Expensive | Median price: 1000.0

If the list is empty:

Oops!! Car list is empty...
Use command <add-car> to add a new car.

Listing All Rented Out Cars: list-rented

Lists all the cars that are currently rented out in this format for each car:
Car Model | License Plate Number | Price of Rental (Per day)

Format: list-rented

Sample output:

Here are all the rented-out cars:
1) Honda Civic | SGE1234X | $100.00
2) Toyota Camry | SKL4567M | $200.00
3) Nissan Latio | SFT1190A | $300.00

If the list is empty:

No cars currently rented out...

Listing All Available Cars: list-available

Lists all available cars in the company in this format for each car:
Car Model | License Plate Number | Price of Rental (Per day)

Format: list-available

Sample output:

Here are all the available cars:
1) Mitsubishi Attrage | SGP7877N | $1500.00
2) Honda Vezel | SLK9945F | $3400.00

If the list is empty:

There are no available cars at the moment...

Updating Rental Status of Car

There is no need to manually update the rental status of a car. The status will be updated automatically when a transaction record is:

Adding a Transaction: add-tx

Adds a new rental transaction to the system.

To add transaction bearing either an existing license plate number and/or customer name, all previous transactions containing either both or one of the parameter must be either marked as completed or be removed from the transaction list. It means that when a customer and a car are in a transaction, either that customer or that car cannot involve in other transactions, including transactions with different time periods (start date - end date), unless that transaction is marked as completed or be removed from the transaction list.

Format: add-tx /c [LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER] /u [CUSTOMER_NAME] /d [DURATION] /s [START_DATE: dd-MM-yyyy]

add-tx /c SZZ1579D /u John /d 15 /s 11-05-2025

Sample Response:

Transaction added:
[ ] TX2 | SZZ1579D | John | 15 days
Start Date: 11-05-2025 | End Date: 26-05-2025

Removing a Transaction: remove-tx

Removes a specific rental transaction from the system based on the transaction ID.

Format: remove-tx /t [TRANSACTION_ID]

remove-tx /t TX1

Sample output:

Transaction deleted: [ ] TX1 | SKL4567M | Alice | 7 days
Start Date: 15-12-2024 | End Date: 22-12-2024

If the TRANSACTION_ID is not found:

Transaction not found

Removing All Transactions: remove-all-txs

Removes all transactions from the system.

Format: remove-all-txs

Sample output:

All transactions removed!!!

Listing All Transactions: list-txs

Displays all transactions stored in the system in this format for each transaction:
[ ] Transaction ID | License Plate Number | Customer Name | Duration of Rental (in day(s))
Start Date | End Date
[ ] indicates that the transaction is ongoing or has been marked as uncompleted or
[X] indicates that the transaction is completed or has been marked as completed

Format: list-txs

Sample output:

Here are all the transactions: 
1) [ ] TX1 | SKL4567M | Alice | 7 days
Start Date: 15-12-2024 | End Date: 22-12-2024
2) [X] TX2 | SZZ1579D | John | 15 days
Start Date: 11-05-2025 | End Date: 26-05-2025

If the list is empty:

No transaction available.

Listing All Completed Transactions: list-txs-completed

Displays all transactions that are marked as completed list in this format for each transaction:
[X] Transaction ID | License Plate Number | Customer Name | Duration of Rental (in day(s))
Start Date | End Date
where [X] indicates that the transaction is completed or has been marked as completed

Format: list-txs-completed

Sample output:

Here are all the transactions: 
1) [X] TX1 | SKL4567M | Alice | 7 days
Start Date: 15-12-2024 | End Date: 22-12-2024
2) [X] TX2 | SZZ1579D | John | 15 days
Start Date: 11-05-2025 | End Date: 26-05-2025

If the list is empty:

Here are all the completed transactions: 
No completed transaction available.

Listing All Uncompleted Transactions: list-txs-uncompleted

Displays all transactions that are ongoing or are marked as uncompleted list in this format for each transaction:
[ ] Transaction ID | License Plate Number | Customer Name | Duration of Rental (in day(s))
Start Date | End Date
where [ ] indicates that the transaction is ongoing or has been marked as uncompleted

Format: list-txs-uncompleted

Sample output:

Here are all the transactions: 
1) [ ] TX1 | SKL4567M | Alice | 7 days
Start Date: 15-12-2024 | End Date: 22-12-2024
2) [ ] TX2 | SZZ1579D | John | 15 days
Start Date: 11-05-2025 | End Date: 26-05-2025

If the list is empty:

Here are all the uncompleted transactions: 
No uncompleted transaction available.

Marking a Transaction as Complete: mark-tx

Marks a rental transaction as completed, indicating that the transaction is finalized.

Format: mark-tx /t [TRANSACTION_ID]

mark-tx /t TX1

Sample output:

Transaction completed: [X] TX1 | SKL4567M | Alice | 7 days
Start Date: 15-12-2024 | End Date: 22-12-2024

If the TRANSACTION_ID is not found:

Transaction not found

Unmarking a Transaction as Incomplete: unmark-tx

Unmarks a rental transaction, indicating it is not yet completed.

Format: unmark-tx /t [TRANSACTION_ID]

unmark-tx /t TX1

Sample output:

Transaction set uncompleted: [ ] TX1 | SKL4567M | Alice | 7 days
Start Date: 15-12-2024 | End Date: 22-12-2024

If the TRANSACTION_ID is not found:

Transaction not found

Find Transactions under a Customer: find-txs-by-customer

Finds all the transactions under a customer using the customer name as the search term. The transactions are displayed in the same format as list-txs.

Format: find-txs-by-customer /u [CUSTOMER_NAME]

find-txs-by-customer /u John

Sample output:

Transaction(s) by John found:
[X] TX2 | SZZ1579D | John | 15 days
Start Date: 11-05-2025 | End Date: 26-05-2025
[ ] TX3 | SFT1190A | John | 4 days
Start Date: 22-12-2024 | End Date: 26-12-2024

If the customer has no rental transaction:

Transaction(s) by John found:

Displaying the help page: help

Displays a help page containing all the commands, together with its respective format and description.

Format: help

Exiting the program: exit

Exits the program and saves all data to the respective data text files.

Format: exit


No questions to answer for now!!!

Command Summary

Customer related commands:

Action Format
Add customer add-user /u [CUSTOMER_NAME] /a [AGE] /c [CONTACT_NUMBER]
Remove customer remove-user /u [CUSTOMER_NAME]
Remove all customers remove-all-users
List all customers list-users

Car related commands:

Action Format
Add car add-car /n [CAR_MODEL] /c [LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER] /p [PRICE]
Remove car remove-car /i [LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER]
Remove all cars remove-all-cars
List all cars list-cars
List rented cars list-rented
List available cars list-available

Transaction related commands:

Action Format
Add transaction add-tx /c [LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER] /u [CUSTOMER_NAME] /d [DURATION] /s [START_DATE: dd-MM-yyyy]
Remove transaction remove-tx /t [TRANSACTION_ID]
Remove all transactions remove-all-txs
List all transactions list-txs
Mark transaction as complete mark-tx /t [TRANSACTION_ID]
Mark transaction as incomplete unmark-tx /t [TRANSACTION_ID]
List completed transactions list-txs-completed
List uncompleted transactions list-txs-uncompleted
Find transactions by customer find-txs-by-customer /u [CUSTOMER_NAME]

Other useful commands:

Action Format
Show help page help
Exit program exit