CliRental is a straightforward, user-friendly application designed to help manage car rental operations efficiently. Built with Java, this app allows users to track rental transactions, manage customer information, and monitor car availability through a series of command-line commands. Key functionalities include adding and removing customers, logging rental transactions, checking car availability, and marking transactions as completed. Designed for quick access and ease of use, this app is ideal for small to mid-sized rental services looking to streamline operations without a complex interface.
Feature 1
: Add the ability to remove customers details from the database.
Feature 2
: Add the ability to add a rental transaction into the database
Added documentation for the features e.g. remove-user and list completed transactions.
Adds a new rental transaction to the system.
To add transaction bearing either an existing license plate number and/or customer name, all previous transactions containing either both or one of the parameter must be either marked as completed or be removed from the transaction list.
Format: add-tx /c [LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER] /u [CUSTOMER_NAME] /d [DURATION] /s [START_DATE: dd-MM-yyyy]
identifier specifies the license plate number of the car the customer wants to rent.LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER
must match an existing car in the database. This is unique as the program will not allow 2 cars to have the same license plate number.
identifier specifies the name of the customer.CUSTOMER_NAME
must match an existing customer in the database. This is unique as the program will not allow 2 customers to have the same name.
identifier specifies the duration of the rental in days.DURATION
must be an integer between 1 and 365 (inclusive). This allows the rental companies to handle rental transactions from 1 day to 365 days (a year).
identifier specifies the start date of the rental.START_DATE
is in the format of [dd-MM-yyyy], accepting integers input only. It must be a valid date in the calendar.Example:
add-tx /c SZZ1579D /u John /d 15 /s 11-05-2025
Sample Response:
Transaction added:
[ ] TX2 | SZZ1579D | John | 15 days
Start Date: 11-05-2025 | End Date: 26-05-2025
Added sample outputs to match the latest release
Code contributed: